Tahanie Aboushi, candidate for Manhattan DA attended a rally for Black Trans people.

Saturday, May 29, 2021. New York City – On Thursday, May 27, 2021, Trans women Joel Rivera and Qween Andy Jean held a rally and march for Trans man Tony McDade.

The rally was in front of The Stonewall Inn in Manhattan, New York City.

Tahanie Aboushi, candidate for Manhattan District Attorney and Cynthia Nixon attended the rally for a few minutes.

Cynthia Nixon ran for governor of the state of New York. You can buy pictures of Cynthia Nixon here.

5/27/2021. Tahanie Aboushi. Civil rights attorney.

Tahanie says on her website, “Tahanie Aboushi is a quintessential New York story. Born into a Palestinian immigrant family that valued hard work, she learned at an early age that the system was designed to hurt some communities, and that liberty and justice were not for all. Tahanie understands that perception and prejudice can shape and distort how a person is treated. Recognizing how prevalent mistreatment can be for anyone considered an ‘other,’ Tahanie has dedicated her life to fighting for her communities, to ensure liberty and justice for all.”

Aboushi says she supports “full decriminalization of sex work, never prosecute any recreational drug use or possession, advocate for marijuana legalization and work to make sure the benefits of legalization help communities targeted by the failed war on drugs, partner with appropriate departments to create infrastructure that supports community-based mental health treatment.”

Tahanie Aboushi says that as Manhattan DA, she will: “Create a safe space for immigrant communities to focus on the criminal circumstance without fear of ICE presence and deportation, hire immigration attorneys in the early case assessment bureau and throughout each division to assess the impact of charges on immigration status, crack down on wage theft from immigrant workers, etc.”

Thursday, May 27, 2021. Manhattan, New York City - Right to left: Trans woman Joe Rivera, unknown man, lawyer Tahanie Aboushi and Trans woman Qween Andy Jean.  Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com
Thursday, May 27, 2021. Manhattan, New York City – Right to left: Trans woman Joe Rivera, unknown man, lawyer Tahanie Aboushi and Trans woman Qween Andy Jean. Photo by Javier Soriano/www.JavierSoriano.com

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