Bernie Sanders in Brooklyn, New York City.

Saturday, March 2, 2019. New York City – Today was the first event of Senator Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign.

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Excerpts from his speech today: “I want to thank all of you for being part of a campaign which is not only going to win the Democratic nomination, which is not only going to defeat Donald Trump, who is the most dangerous president in modern American history, but with your help we are going to transform this country and, finally, create an economy and a government which works for all of us, and not just the one percent. Today, at our very first rally, I want to welcome you to a campaign which says, loudly and clearly, that the underlying principles of our government will not be greed, hatred and lies. It will not be racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and religious bigotry. It will not be tax breaks for billionaires and efforts to trough millions off their health care that they currently have. This campaign is going to end all of that. The principles of our government will be based on justice: on economic justice, on social justice, on racial justice, on environmental justice. Today, I welcome you to a campaign which tells the powerful special interests who control so much of our economic and political life that we will no longer tolerate the greed of corporate America and the billionaire class – greed which has resulted in this country having more income and wealth inequality than any other major country on earth.

Today, we say to the American people that instead of demonizing the undocumented immigrants in this country, we’re going to pass comprehensive immigration reform and provide a path toward citizenship. We’re going to provide legal status to the 1.8 million young people eligible for the DACA program, and develop a humane border policy for those who seek asylum. The United States will not longer snatched babies from the arms of their mothers.

Donald Trump wants to divide us up based on the color of our skin, based on where we were born, based on our gender, based on our religion and our sexual orientation. What we are about is doing exactly the opposite. We are going to bring our people together – black and white, Latino, Asian-American, Native-American, gay and straight, young and old, men and women, native born and immigrant. We are together and together we will transform this country.

I did not come from a family of privilege that prepared me to entertain people on television by telling workers: “You’re fired.” I came from a family who knew all too well the frightening power employers can have over everyday workers.

I did not come from a family that could afford to send my brother and me to an elite boarding school. In fact, I was educated proudly in high quality public schools here in Brooklyn and began my higher education right here on this campus. I should also mention that my brother Larry graduated from Brooklyn College.

We’re going to win this election because we will put together the strongest grassroots coalition in the history of American politics. Donald Trump wants to divide us up by the color of our skin, where we born, our gender, our religion and our sexual orientation. We are going to do exactly the opposite.

We’re going to win this election because we are putting together the strongest grassroots campaign in the history of American politics.

Donald Trump wants to divide us up based on the color of our skin, based on where we were born, based on our gender, based on our religion and our sexual orientation. What we are about is doing exactly the opposite. We are going to bring our people together – black and white, Latino, Asian-American, Native-American, gay and straight, young and old, men and women, native born and immigrant. We are together and together we will transform this country.

My father was a paint salesman who worked hard his entire life, but never made much money. And my mother raised my brother and me.

I am not going to tell you that I grew up in a home of desperate poverty. That would not be true. But what I will tell you is that coming from a lower middle class family I will never forget about how money – or really lack of money – was always a point of stress in our family. My mother’s dream was that someday our family would move out of that rent-controlled apartment to a home of our own. That dream was never fulfilled. She died young while we were still living in that rent-controlled apartment.

I learned a great deal about immigration as a child because my father came to this country from Poland at the age of 17, without a nickel in his pocket. Without knowing one word of English. He came to the United States to escape the crushing poverty that existed in his community, and to escape widespread anti-Semitism. And, it was a good thing that he came to this country because virtually his entire family was wiped out by Hitler and Nazi barbarism.

Brothers and sisters: We have an enormous amount of work in front of us. And the path forward will not be easy. The wealthy and powerful elite who decade after decade have gotten everything they want will do all that they can to defend their finance interest. And they have an unlimited amount of money at their disposal but we have something that they do not have. We have the people together. So this what I believe. This is what I believe from the bottom of my heart. If we do not allow Trump and his friends to divide us up, if we stand together Black and White and Latino, Asian America, Native America. If we stand together urban and rural, north, south, east and west. If we stand together not as red state or blue state, but as working people fighting for dignity. If we stand together believing in justice and human dignity, if we stand together believing in love and compassion, if we stand together brothers and sisters, the future of this country is extraordinary and there is nothing we will not be able to accomplish.”

Saturday, March 2, 2019. New York City - United States of America Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and his supporters. Photo by
Saturday, March 2, 2019. New York City – United States of America Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and his supporters. Photo by

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