NYC Bodypainting Day 2019.

Saturday, July 20, 2019. New York City – Today was the Bodypainting Day 2019. The event was organized by Human Connection Arts. This was the 6th annual event and it was at the Maria Hernandez Park. The park is in the artistic mecca of Bushwick in Brooklyn, NYC. 


Saturday, July 20, 2019. New York City – Today was the Bodypainting Day 2019. The event was organized by Human Connection Arts. This was the 6th annual event and it was at the Maria Hernandez Park. The park is in the artistic mecca of Bushwick in Brooklyn, NYC. Photo by
Saturday, July 20, 2019. New York City – Today was the Bodypainting Day 2019. The event was organized by Human Connection Arts. This was the 6th annual event and it was at the Maria Hernandez Park. The park is in the artistic mecca of Bushwick in Brooklyn, NYC. Photo by

Human Connection Arts, Organizers of the event say on their website “Our mission is to share who we are as human beings, to build a community accepting of ourselves and each other. Through interactive public art events we follow our vision to inspire human connection around the world.

Our History

Since 2007, Andy Golub has painted bodies in the public streets of New York City on hundreds of occasions. At first glance, these performances may seem innocuous, but they actually address a variety of societal issues:

  • Contrast between art and advertising in the public space;
  • Role of street art versus gallery art;
  • Appropriateness of public nudity;
  • Distinction between nudity and sexuality; and
  • Use of the human form as an aesthetic versus personal identity.

These performances led to arrests in 2011, which were subsequently dismissed. In 2013, the NY Police Department acknowledged that public nudity is legal for the sake of art. One year later, with the help of many people in both the nudist community and from the body painting community, Andy organized the first NYC Bodypainting Day. By 2016, Bodypainting Day had expanded to Amsterdam, Brussels and San Francisco.

In January of 2017, Andy launched the non-profit organization, Human Connection Arts. HCA is now producing all Bodypainting Day events as well as new dynamic public events involving various art forms.

Andy’s art has had a significant impact on artists, models and the public. By building a talented board and staff, Human Connection Arts will continue and expand on advancing these values.

  • Forming a unique connection between artist and model during body painting.
  • Sharing the connection and transformational process with the public.
  • Showing by example that following your dreams or inspirations is possible.
  • Infusing the public space with non-commercial, artistic expression.
  • Displaying our vulnerabilities as models and artists for the public.”


Saturday, July 20, 2019. New York City – Today was the Bodypainting Day 2019. The event was organized by Human Connection Arts. This was the 6th annual event and it was at the Maria Hernandez Park. The park is in the artistic mecca of Bushwick in Brooklyn, NYC. Photo by
Saturday, July 20, 2019. New York City – Today was the Bodypainting Day 2019. The event was organized by Human Connection Arts. This was the 6th annual event and it was at the Maria Hernandez Park. The park is in the artistic mecca of Bushwick in Brooklyn, NYC. Photo by

“Body painting is a form of body art where artwork is painted directly onto the human skin. Unlike tattoos and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, lasting several hours or sometimes up to a few weeks (in the case of mehndi or “henna tattoos” about two weeks). Body painting that is limited to the face is known as “face painting”. Body painting is also referred to as (a form of) “temporary tattoo”. Large scale or full-body painting is more commonly referred to as body painting, while smaller or more detailed work can sometimes be referred to as temporary tattoos.

Body painting with a grey or white paint made from natural pigments including clay, chalk, ash and cattle dung is traditional in many tribal cultures. Often worn during cultural ceremonies, it is believed to assist with the moderation of body heat and the use of striped patterns may reduce the incidence of biting insects. It still survives in this ancient form among Indigenous Australians and in parts of Africa and Southeast Asia, as well as in New Zealand and the Pacific islands. A semi-permanent form of body painting known as Mehndi, using dyes made of henna leaves (hence also known rather erroneously as “henna tattoo”), is practiced in India, especially on brides. Since the late 1990s, Mehndi has become popular amongst young women in the Western world.

Many indigenous peoples of Central and South America paint jagua tattoos, or designs with Genipa americana juice on their bodies. Indigenous peoples of South America traditionally use annatto, huito, or wet charcoal to decorate their faces and bodies. Huito is semi-permanent, and it generally takes weeks for this black dye to fade.”


Saturday, July 20, 2019. New York City – Today was the Bodypainting Day 2019. The event was organized by Human Connection Arts. This was the 6th annual event and it was at the Maria Hernandez Park. The park is in the artistic mecca of Bushwick in Brooklyn, NYC. Photo by
Saturday, July 20, 2019. New York City – Today was the Bodypainting Day 2019. The event was organized by Human Connection Arts. This was the 6th annual event and it was at the Maria Hernandez Park. The park is in the artistic mecca of Bushwick in Brooklyn, NYC. Photo by

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