Tuesday, May 23, 2023. New York City – Palestinians, Anti-zionist Jews, Mexicans, Latinos, Latinas and others commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba.
On May 15th, 2023, was “the 75th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe). During the Nakba, between 750,000 and 1,000,000 Indigenous Palestinians were driven out of their homes and ethnically cleansed at the hands of Zionist militias and, later, the Israeli army to establish the state of Israel as a Jewish supremacist settler-colony.”_bdsmovement.net
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn; New York City.
On Saturday, May 13, 2023, the organization Within Our Lifetime (WOL) organized a rally and a march. The rally was at 72nd and 5th Ave in Bay Ridge. The march was in the same neighbourhood of Bay Ridge in Brooklyn; New York City.
The organization Within Our Lifetime said before the rally and march, “Join us for a takeover of Bay Ridge, the heart of the Palestinian community in NYC. This is more than a protest, it is a community gathering to assert our power and show NYC that we stand with Palestine from the river to the sea, and we support Palestinian resistance and liberation by any means necessary.”
Times Square, Manhattan; New York City.
New York for Palestine Coalition and Human Rights Organizations said before the rally and march, “(On Sunday, May 14, 2023) New Yorkers will rally to commemorate the 75th year of the catastrophic colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the “Nakba”, by Zionist forces – and to protest the ongoing and escalating war crimes by Zionist forces in Palestine. The rally is organized by the NY For Palestine (NY4P) coalition along with numerous other NY based community and human rights organizations.
The Nakba marks the height of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Zionist forces in 1948, wherein Zionists exiled approximately two-thirds of the Palestinian population from their homes and lands and destroyed over 700 Palestinian towns and villages. Since then, Palestinians have been subject to a brutal regime of torture, armed home invasions and demolitions, massacres, policies of Apartheid, expanding military occupation, and theft of their lands, homes, farms, water, and schools. By commemorating the Nakba, Palestinians mark and highlight 75 years of daily policies and practices of brute violence by the Zionist entity, which violate every article of the Geneva Conventions.”
United Nations. Manhattan, New York City.
The Palestinian American Community Center said before the event, “Help us commemorate the Nakba with @wolpalestine and @alawdany on Monday May 15th at 10am at the United Nations. We will be rallying in support of the United Nation’s Historic Decision to acknowledge and commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba.”
The United Nations says on UN.org, “2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the mass displacement of Palestinians known as “the Nakba” or “the Catastrophe”. The UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Nakba at UN Headquarters in New York.”
Anti-Zionist Jews support Palestine.
Anti-Zionist orthodox Jews of the organization Neturei Karta participated in all the events in support of Palestine.
They say on their website nkusa.org, “Neturei Karta oppose the so-called “State of Israel” not because it operates secularly, but because the entire concept of a sovereign Jewish state is contrary to Jewish Law.
All the great rabbis who in accordance with Jewish Law opposed Zionism at its inception did not do so merely due to consideration of the secular lifestyles of the then Zionist leaders or even for their opposition to Torah heritage and rejection of its values and practices, but due to the fact that the entire concept of a Jewish state is in direct conflict with a number of Judaism’s fundamentals.”

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